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Promo Codes: "AURA10" for a 10% Discount - "SHIP200" for free shipping over $200!

NutriStart Quick Vitamin D3 Drops 30ml

Original price $0.00 - Original price $0.00
Original price $0.00
$18.79 - $18.79
Current price $18.79

Vitamin D has become known as the “sunshine vitamin” in Canada’s long dark winters. Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most prevalent nutrient deficiencies for people living outside of the tropics.

Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency

  with the Sunshine Vitamin According to recent studies (see research tab), 50 to 85% of people living in northern latitudes have suboptimal or deficient levels of vitamin D. People at risk of vitamin D deficiency include people living in northern latitudes, office workers, people with limited sunlight exposure, overweight, pregnant, elderly and dark-skinned people.


  • Bone and joint health
  • Digestion and colon health
  • Concentration and memory
  • Breast and prostate health
  • Proper cell replication
  • Immune health
  • Mood and well-being
  • Healthy sleep