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Promo Codes: "AURA10" for a 10% Discount - "SHIP200" for free shipping over $200!

Biovera Para Sol SPF 20 100ml

Original price $0.00 - Original price $0.00
Original price $0.00
$25.99 - $25.99
Current price $25.99
Natural sun care with broadband photostable UVA and UVB protection

+ Suitable for all skin types - including sensitive skin and very young skin.

+ SPF of 20 means that even a sun worshipper with skin type 1 (no pigmentation) is protected for up to 3 ½ hours.

+ PABA free

+ No artificial scents or preservatives

+ With natural vitamins A,C and E

+ Contains soothing calendula

+ With active aloe 10 to reverse skin damage

+ Natural peppermint oil provides cooling effect

+ Vegetarian formula

+ All non-medicinal ingredients are organic

+ Promotes pigmentation in conjunction with sun exposure

+ Does not leave sticky or discoloring film on skin and absorbs well

About UV screening agents

Today, there are two types of screening agents available:

1. Physical agents zinc oxide and titanium dioxide

2. UV-ray diffusing and absorbing agents like benzophenone, homosalate, octisalate, oxybenzone, oxtinoxate and the group of parsols (1789, SLX and 5000)


Physical screening agent zinc oxide is harmless for human skin but might cause problems for those with acne or chronic skin disorders like dermatitis. Zinc oxide prevents the formation of vitamin D and should only be used in areas with thin or depleted ozone layer, as it is the only effective screening agent against UVC (gamma) radiation, which is deadly due to its long wavelength (strongly carcinogenic). At the same time, it prevents the formation of melanin and thus pigmentation - the only natural defense our epidermis has against sun burn.

Zinc Oxide also leaves a sticky, unpleasant residual on the consumer's skin. Titanium dioxide is only appropriate in minimal dosage due to its high level of toxicity. It has the same disadvantages as zinc oxide but is more pleasant on the skin in micronized form.

Most of the absorbing agents common in North America are all banned from EU products due to their sometimes severe side effects. Health Canada and the FDA in the USA granted the cosmetics industry a generous grace period to replace them. Most manufacturers still rely on benzophenone, oxybenzone etc., because they are sitting on large stockpiles and they are legal to use.

Our screening agents Parsol 1789 absorbs harmful long-wave rays through the entire bandwidth of UVA light and was developed for sensitive skin. An overdoes of UVA light may contribute to higher risk of skin carcinoma and structural damage to the epidermis (cell membrane damage).

Parsol 5000 filters UVB rays which cause burns and wrinkle skin while Parsol SLX results in photostability of the formula - crucial in order to avoid the generation of free radicals on the epidermis.

The combination of parsols as screening agents does not prevent but encourage pigmentation of the skin. Hence it helps to activate our skin's natural defense mechanism.

About Parsol SLX (Dimethico-Diethylbenzalmalonate)

PARSOL SLX (INCI: Polysilicone-15) is the only UVB filter available to the industry that has a novel structure of benzyl malonate chromophores attached to specific points on a polysiloxane chain. This architecture, which takes on a physical characteristic of a liquid-mineral UV filter, ensures that it remains on the skin where it exerts its protective effect against UVB radiation.

Biovera Parasol is the first sun screen in Canada which uses PARSOL SLX in combination with other screening agents. Until now, such a combination has been proprietary only.

PARSOL SLX delivers many highly regarded features to products when combined with nanopigments, such as its compatibility and the potential to reach high SPF without compromising on the texture and feel of the product. Most important of all, it is suitable for the long-term use of all skin types, including for example sensitive skin.

PARSOL SLX also photostablizes PARSOL 1789, and together, they allow the formulation of elegant, photostable products with good SPF performance and UVA protection. PARSOL SLX is also the only UVB filter with a range of proven protection for hair against UV radiation.

The combination of PARSOL SLX and nanopigments, together with PARSOL 1789, ensures a broad-spectrum UV protection system that is efficacious and ideally suited for the use of the whole family.

Along with non-irritating screening agents, the choice of natural free radical scavengers vitamins A,C and E provides maximum long-term protection of the skin's defense mechanism and health.

Biovera Parasol feels pleasant on the skin and absorbs quickly. It represents the most powerful topical anti-ageing formula. It is suitable for all skin types from the age of 18 months.

Medicinal ingredients: Parsol 1789 (Avobenzone) 2.5%, Parsol 5000 (4-Methylbenzylidemcamphor) 4%, Parsol SLX, (Dimethico-diethylbenzalmalonate) 3%

Non-medicinal ingredients: Aqua, natural Korean ginseng, sunflower oil, vegetable glycerin, calendula, vitamin A (carrot oil), vitamin C (from citrus fruit), vitamin E (wheat germ oil), active aloe 10 (aloe vera gel), mineral salt, peppermint oil.